Thank You for Staying Connected with me throughout 2022!
This is the time to thank you for staying connected with me throughout 2022!
I want to share with you a little story that sums up what I am feeling in this Holiday Season.
On the week of Thanksgiving, two of my children and I went together on a trip from Atlanta (where we live) to San Francisco. In one of our tours there, we stopped in Sausalito, a beautiful city on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Sausalito and the Golden Gate Bridge had a very strong effect on me. They reminded me so much of my home country Portugal and my home city, Lisbon. Having lunch near the water, crossing the red metallic bridge, the bay, the ferry… there, I felt connected to some of the most beautiful spots in Portugal – the Arrabida Natural Park’s beaches, the Tagus River, the lookalike scenic red metallic Tagus Bridge, and the coastal resort town of Cascais.
To my great surprise, it turned out that Sausalito and Cascais are Sister Cities! I was amazed to find the insignia of my home country, the Coat of Arms of Portugal, in the middle of the city of Sausalito, in San Francisco!
(The official signing of the Twinning Agreement took place in May 2013).

I felt my heart filled with joy and comfort. I realized, in that moment, how close I feel to both countries. To the USA – the country that welcomed and gifted me and my family with a new future – and to Portugal, where I was born, grew up, and began my professional career.
Our hearts are capable of much love, of a global love! I choose to love that way 😊
To all my clients, partners, suppliers, colleagues, and friends, wherever you are, I wish you Happy Holidays and a Prosperous 2023!
Cristina Ferreira da Costa
President & Founder
CDCConsulting Partners, LLC
+1 (404) 528 9792
[email protected]