Check out the highlights of the 3-part Webinar “Reinvent. Prepare for a new future ahead!”


Check out the highlights of the 3-part Webinar “Reinvent. Prepare for a new future ahead”!

We had the opportunity to engage in a fascinating conversation with people from all over the world.  It was the perfect venue to share in a very dynamic interaction. Special thanks to all of you who joined us, to John Parkerson and to Raquel Ribeiro of Querer Além. 

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This new context brings change along with it. Now, change isn’t always easy, or simple, or painless. It can be challenging, when you’re used to doing things a certain way. If you are leading a team, a business, a new enterprise or taking leadership of your own life, this webinar is meant for you, to help you deal with change and reinvent yourself. 

You can find useful advice and practical suggestions here, but you will also be invited to reflect on where you are going, and where you are taking your business or your team, in this new environment.

We bring together leadership, legal and marketing experts with extensive experience in multinational contexts to share ways for you to keep moving forward with purpose and direction.
Meet the speakers: Cristina da Costa |  John Parkerson | Raquel Ribeiro (moderator).

1.       Adapting. Personal and professional skills for a new future
April 28th, via Zoom.What challenges are being posed to leaders and teams in this new context?How is this affecting personal and professional relationships?How will this change working and business environments?How can we take advantage of technology?Which skills do you find more important for dealing with uncertainty?How can we better prepare for the next months and years to come? 
Live Q&A

2.        Inspiring. Leaders, teams and people interaction
April 30th, via ZoomWhat inspires people?What kind of leaders do people need right now?How can a leader be better prepared for these new times?What do teams want?How can teams be motivated?What can be recommended for effective human interactions from now on?
Live Q&A

3.       Connecting. Cultural challenges and legal matters
May 5th, via ZoomMany businesses and individuals will perceive a need to reexamine their global expansion and career plans. You have both experienced career changes and international challenges. What lessons can you highlight from that? How can we help people to deal better with each other, especially in an intercultural context?How can we use technology to bring people closer? How do we deal with questions of trust? Human resources: hiring, managing, outsourcing, remote work…these are major concerns for companies, leaders and teams, more than even. From a legal viewpoint, which best practices would you recommend?Are there significant differences between countries with regards to these matters?
Live Q&A

We are happy to discuss any issues you may be experiencing while leading, communicating or getting the results you need from your teams.
