4 Easy Ways to Boost your Effectiveness at Work


In this newsletter, I bring you 4 ideas you can do for yourself and for your business – either alone, or with my help.


1. Find your Purpose.

Have you said to yourself lately, that there must be more to work than this? Are you starting to feel the need to find meaning in the work you do? 
Understanding your deeper reasons will keep you focused and resilient when things get difficult, which ultimately, they always do.
In my work with leaders and teams in various industries and across countries, I’ve witnessed that when people gain clarity of their Purpose, they start making decisions that lead them to greater fulfillment and joy.  
Finding your Purpose may be one of the best investments of your life. Think about it. 
I can help you find your Purpose. But think about what you have found first!

2. Shift from the classic problem-solving design to instead co-creating the future

Do you feel like you spend most of your time overwhelmed by pointless, annoying, unproductive tasks? Do you have to go through a ton of hostilities to reach your goals and take you company or team to the next level? 
Here is an opportunity to change all of that.
The role of the manager needs to dramatically shift from “managing” to becoming more of a coach.
More executives are realizing the need to move away from the traditional “directive and control” practice, and create space for people to experiment and learn, while giving them guidance and support along the way.
Coaching is a skill great managers need to quickly develop. Coaching ensures their people will feel empowered to think for themselves and it will help them to keep up with the rapid changes in the company’s ongoing market and industry.
This is something you can learn. I have had to learn it too! And I can share my experiences with you.

3. Increase the frequency of your feedback

Feedback is good, in fact it is imperative. Give feedback and ask for feedback. 
Your teams need to know how they are doing, so they have no surprises. Performance reviews that are only twice a year or, even worse, once a year, are not supportive of a successful business. Developing your managers to improve their leadership abilities is crucial in these new times. They need to better engage their people, so that productivity can follow.
Avoid taking criticism personally. When someone expresses an opinion different to yours, don’t make it personal, this is instead an opportunity to see how it is through their eyes. This will make your life much easier and your interactions with other people much more effective.  
Try it out yourself. And then I can give you a hand.


4. Gain clarity about the culture you have today in your company and learn if it’s supporting or limiting the success of your business

I am sure you have been hearing a lot about how important it is to have a good company culture, but what does that really mean? Do you know how to create one for your company or team?   
This is where I can help. When it comes to creating a good company culture, there is no “one size fits all”. You see, each company has its own DNA, and that needs to be considered with any growth or transformation. You need to take your company’s current culture into consideration when designing your cultural transformation programs and initiatives. This is the only way you can create harmony, acceptance and even excitement for change. My recommendation is that you start by doing a diagnostic of your current company culture. 

How can I help? – Through a three-question online assessment to the main stakeholders in your company, we collect information about the values, the beliefs, and the behaviors (the empowering ones, as well as the limiting ones) that currently co-exist in the day-to-day life of your organization. After two to three weeks of launching the assessment, we are ready to analyze the data. The data gives us insights into 4 important areas: What motivates your people,What is operating well in your company and should continue, What is the current level of dysfunction and what is causing it (this is basically the percentage of daily unproductive work and its drivers),A roadmap for a more successful future. We then give individual and group feedback of the data to executives and teams, as well as our recommendations on how to proceed. 
Then real dialogues begin, allowing, in time, a culture to emerge that unlocks peak performance, creates a competitive advantage, and re-humanizes work.

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