Value your team’s well-being
“Motivation is like a daily shower, it doesn’t last long, so we take a new one every day.”
This quote is from Zig Ziglar, an author and motivational speaker who has traveled around the world for more than three decades inspiring people and organizations with wisdom and good humor. As he stated, motivation is not a permanent state. If it is not cared for and nurtured, it dries up. Ideally, organizations should find ways to continuously motivate their teams and team members.
Increasingly, the search for balance between personal and professional life is becoming a priority. Professional development is no longer enough. The personal component needs to step in.
How can personal development help companies increase the well-being of their people and still produce results for the business?
Daily professional activities occupy a large part of our time. In general, people put much energy (mentally and physically) into their daily work activities. The environment where those activities take place needs to be favorable to a positive outcome. From this perspective, promoting well-being at work is not only desirable but necessary.
The implementation of strategies capable of stimulating people’s motivation and well-being leads to positive results. Knowing what generates happiness in the people’s professional activities is important as it enables a healthier and more pleasurable work environment.
1.Enjoy the work you do: not enjoying what you do can turn into an aversion. In time this may have serious consequences.
People who do what they enjoy are, in general, more competent, diligent, careful, and proactive, as well as more self-motivated.
2. Time Management: those who have the opportunity to arrange their daily agendas are more at ease. This ability requires some maturity – the ability to prioritize and adequately distribute their time.
A certain level of autonomy in time management enhances considerably employees’ well-being. It gives them the opportunity to balance the various daily tasks, while taking their own personal needs into consideration.
3. New and stimulating challenges: A rigid routine with no stimulating activities is an invitation to dissatisfaction at work, generating unhappiness.
When the individual is faced with new challenges, they are forced to leave their comfort zone, searching for strategies and solutions that will further enrich their skills.
Moreover, when being challenged, people tend to see their work as more important in the overall context of the company, feeling valued and confident.
Promoting a positive organizational environment with appropriate working conditions, frequent feedback and promoting “out of the box” activities, generates a healthy professional environment.
Leaders (or managers) can only grow, develop, and positively impact their teams when making employee well-being a daily priority.
Cristina Ferreira da Costa
President & Founder
CDCConsulting Partners, LLC

+1 (404) 528 9792
[email protected]